Documentation - Maxscript

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Parent_Constraint : Matrix3Controller

The Parent_Constraint overrides the behaviour from the normal parenting, so you can have a node that is parented to an object, but behaves as if it were parented to a different one. It can also have several nodes as parents with different weights for how much those objects affect the parenting.


<Parent_Constraint>.Sub_Control Transform

The controller used for local transformations.


<integer> <Parent_Constraint>.GetNumTargets()

Returns the number of target nodes in the target list.

<node> <Parent_Constraint>.GetNode <index>nodeNumber

Returns the indexed target node.

<float> <Parent_Constraint>.GetWeight <index>targetNumber

Returns the weight of the indexed target if the targetNumber is relevant, 0.0 otherwise.

<boolean> <Parent_Constraint>.SetWeight <index>targetNumber <float>weight

Sets the weight of the indexed node specified by targetNumber . Returns True on success, False otherwise.

<boolean> <Parent_Constraint>.AppendTarget <node>target <float>weight

Appends the specified node to the list and sets its weight to the specified value. Returns True on success, False otherwise.

<boolean> <Parent_Constraint>.DeleteTarget <index>targetNumber

Deletes the indexed target. Returns True on success, False otherwise.

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