Documentation - Maxscript

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Control_Helper : Helper

The Control_Helper is an advanced helper object, specially designed for rigging. It offers a lot of different type of helpers with several parameters and a selector feature that allows the helper to use other object's faces for selection.


<Control_Helper>.type enum default: #Add

Get/Set the type of the control helper:


<Float_Operation>.uniform Boolean default: true

If this parameter is On, the size of the helper will be controlled only by the .size parameter. If the parameter is Off, the size will be controlled by the .length, .width and .height parameters.

<Float_Operation>.size WorldUnits
<Float_Operation>.length WorldUnits
<Float_Operation>.width WorldUnits
<Float_Operation>.height WorldUnits

These parameters are used to control the size of the control helper. The size parameter will be used if the .uniform parameter is ON, the length, width, and height parameters will be used if the .uniform parameter is OFF.

<Float_Operation>.axis Integer default: 2

Get/Set the orientation axis of the control helper:

0 - X.
1 - Y.
2 - Z.

<Float_Operation>.thickness Percent default: 50.0
<Float_Operation>.corner WorldUnits default: 0.0

These parameters are used by some types of the control helper.

<Float_Operation>.steps Integer default: 6

Get/Set the steps of the interpolation in the lines of the control helper.

<Float_Operation>.warp_amount Percent default: 0.0

Get/Set how much the control helper is warped. This parameter is only available in some types of the control helper.

<Float_Operation>.warp_axis Integer default: 0

Get/Set the axis where the control helper will be warped:

0 - X.
1 - Y.
2 - Z.

<Float_Operation>.offset_line Boolean default: false

If this parameter is ON, a line will be displayed between the position of the node and the gizmo offset position.

<Float_Operation>.face_camera Boolean default: false

If this parameter is ON, the control helper will always be facing the camera.

<Float_Operation>.constant_screen_size Boolean default: false

Keeps the size of the control helper constant, regardless of how much you zoom in or out.

<Float_Operation>.draw_on_top Boolean default: false

When this is on, the control helper draws lines with the Z buffer turned off (which usually causes it to appear in front of other objects).

<Float_Operation>.gizmoPos Point3
<Float_Operation>.gizmoRot Quat
<Float_Operation>.gizmoScale Point3
<Float_Operation>.gizmoTM Matrix3

These properties are used to change the gizmo transform.

<Float_Operation>.selector_active Boolean default: false

Enables/Disables the selector. With the selector you can use other object's faces to select this helper.

<Float_Operation>.selector_node Node

Get/set the node that is used for the selector.

<Float_Operation>.selector_ignore_backfacing Boolean default: false

When this parameter is ON, the backfacing faces of the selector object will be ignored while selecting.

<Float_Operation>.selector_use_wire_color Boolean default: false

When this parameter is ON, the selector faces will be displayed with the same color of the selector object's wireframe.

<Float_Operation>.selector_color Point3 default: [1.0,0.0,0.0]

This color will be used to display the selector faces if the parameter .selector_use_wire_color is OFF.

<Float_Operation>.selector_sel_opacity Percent default: 50.0

Get/Set the opacity of the selector faces when the control helper is selected.

<Float_Operation>.selector_unsel_opacity Percent default: 25.0

Get/Set the opacity of the selector faces when the control helper is not selected.

<Float_Operation>.selector_push_value float default: 0.1

This parameter is used to push the selector faces so that they don't clip with the original selector object faces.

<Float_Operation>.selector_face_sel BitArray

Get/Set the selector faces that will be used to select the control helper.

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