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Advanced Rigging and Animation System for 3ds Max.

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What is SmartAnim?

SmartAnim is a new advanced rigging and animation plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max. This powerful toolkit expands the current set of controllers, solvers, helpers, and rigging tools available within 3ds Max, allowing animators to create more complex and sophisticated animations than ever before. Whether working on a film, game, or other type of animation project, SmartAnim is a valuable addition to any animator's toolkit.

3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit

SmartAnim includes:

  • Automatic Rig System, including Face Rig.
  • 40 different types of Control Helpers.
  • A new UI Panel interface with dynamic controls.
  • A system for managing poses for your rigs.
  • 2 new IK Solvers.
  • 20 new controllers.
  • 1 modifier for mirroring morphs.

  • 3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit

    The Rig System

    This component allows users to create a wide variety of advanced rigs with just a few parameters and a template of points. It can create an open system that consists of independent components such as bones, helpers, controllers, and solvers that can be modified, replaced or removed. There are different types of rigs available, such as biped, quadruped, centaur, insect, and more.

    The rig's limbs can have IKFK solvers, reverse foot parameters, an IK spine, twist bones and UI panels with picker controls. Additionally the user can create a face rig based on bones or morph targets.

    3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit tiger 3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit spider robot

    User Interface Tools

    UI Panel

    It contains pickers, sliders, spinners, and action buttons for effortless animation of complex character rigs and any other element in the scene.

    Pose Kit

    It's a powerful solution for managing different poses for rigs and objects. With the ability to save, access and apply poses to your characters at any time.

    Control Helper

    It offers a wide range of customization options for helper objects, including diverse display types and a selector feature.

    3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit ui panel 3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit ikfk ik fk solver 3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit curve ik solver

    New Inverse Kinematic Solvers

    IKFK Solver

    Integrate inverse and forward kinematics within the same hierarchy, enabling smooth transitions and matching between both modes and an automatic stretch feature.

    CurveIK Solver

    Useful for creating rigs with bendy limbs and other types of curved objects using less objects and connections, specially designed for character animation.

    3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit ikfk ik fk solver 3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit curve ik solver

    New Controllers

    SmartAnim includes new controllers such as Aim Constraint as a better alternative to the LookAt Constraint, Connection controllers to connect controllers and tracks more easily, Float Expose TM to expose non-keyed object values directly to a controller, Parent Constraint for flexible parenting, Rig Control for offset transformations and mirroring, Stretch Constraint and Rotation Space for precise control over object transformations and rotations, and much more!.

    3ds max smartanim animation rig toolkit controllers

    * 3D models are not included.